
How to install a gas burner in my firebowls

One of the phone calls I get a lot is from people who want to know how to install gas burners in Sculptural Firebowls™.

This diagram that shows the basic concept of how the stainless steel burners connect to the firebowl. This is not, however, a real spec sheet— it just gives you a general idea of how to fit the most basic manual light burner into the bowl.

Questions about gas burners or accessories are best directed to the gas burner vendor I recommend, Steven Stegall at firecrystals.com. He makes easy-to-install, drop-in kits for all of my designs. The reason I’ve partnered with Steven instead of offering kits myself is because he is an expert in gas installations. He can walk you through the many choices and variables to customize a kit to fit your project exactly. He is also excellent at support if you or your builder have questions.

His contact info is:
Steven Stegall
work    866.875.6615
email    steven@firecrystals.com

Can you tell by the drawing that I learned how to use Adobe Illustrator by drawing owner guide artwork for Ford? If you would like to print the instructions, you can download a PDF file by clicking this link: Download firepit-gas-burner-installation-instructions.pdf

How To Install A Gas Burner Instructions For Firepits Firebowls